PR Support of Business
- Event announcement on the website of the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Event announcement in the UCCI NEWSLETTER digest (sent weekly to members of the UCCI, regional chambers, regional administrations)
- Advertising of an event or a company on plasma in the waiting area in the lobby of the Ukrainian CCI.
- Informational support of an event on the official pages of the Ukrainian CCI in social media (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram)
- Organization of a press event in the press center of the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Photo and video shooting, online broadcast of an event
- Designer services for the development of presentation materials
- Placement of advertising and presentation products (banners, booklets, etc.) during business events at the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Manufacturing of advertising and presentation products
- Placement of advertising printed materials in waiting areas in the UCCI
Creation of promotional videos (including reports, interviews), corporate and thematic films to promote business and personal brands. Placement and promotion of video clips on the website, YouTube channel and Facebook page:
- Video announcement (a promo up to 45 seconds with video and graphics in the selected format).
- Photography (photographing at the event, photo correction)
- Video report (final video clip up to 2-3 minutes), selective video shooting (one or two cameras) up to 5 hours, interviewing participants, scripting, video editing (processing audio, video materials, adding sound design and titles), subtitles in a foreign language
- Video recording of the whole event (full video recording (2 cameras) of the event up to 5 hours, video recording of all speeches, discussions, presentations on one location). video version of the event.
- Online broadcast (full technical support in organizing an online broadcast on the Internet, placing the broadcast player on your site or on the Eventhub service with the possibility of paid access for users, showing captions, videos, presentations during the online broadcast, full video recording of the event and processing of video materials, simultaneous translation into a foreign language, providing access that includes financial indicators and information about visitors).