Order of interaction of the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry with representatives of the media
- The Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (further – UCCI) declares its openness for the media and maximally assists in its work with coverage of its activity.
- The interaction of the UCCI with Ukrainian and foreign media is implemented according to the Constitution and Laws of Ukraine «On access to public information», «On information», «On printed tools of the media», «On television and radio», «On informational agencies», the Statute of the UCCI and this Order.
- Organization of work on interaction between the UCCI and the media is carried out by the Department of Corporate Communications of the UCCI.
- It is obligatory that the staff of the Department of Corporate Communications of the UCCI are notified of all contacts with the media, which are carried out by a representative of the according structural department on behalf of the UCCI.
- For comfort and avoidance of possible misunderstandings, representatives of the media must attend events at the UCCI (no later, than 15 minutes before the start), having with them an identification document.
- As per the legislation of Ukraine, representatives of the media, as participants of according events held at the UCCI, bear the right to use portative audio technical devices.
- For carrying out photo and film shooting, TV, video, sound recording of the event, representatives of the media must submit a petition, composed in voluntary form, to the Department of Corporate Communications of the UCCI. The carrying out of photo and film shooting, TV, video, sound recording with the use of fixed equipment, and also broadcasting of the event at the UCCI, is allowed only after the according petition is approved by the President or First Vice-President of the UCCI.
- The UCCI selects speakers by this Order, who bear the right to give interviews and comments for the media on selected topics on behalf of the UCCI (Appendix – Pool of UCCI speakers).
- Staff of the UCCI can give representatives of the media interviews, comments or any other materials only in the presence of a staff member of the Department of Corporate Communications of the UCCI or by agreement with its Director. Individually, only the President and Vice-Presidents of the UCCI can make a decision on contacts with the media on behalf of the UCCI without agreement with the Department of Corporate Communications.
- With provision of official interviews and comments to representatives of the media in oral form the speakers of the UCCI are advised to carry out audio recording.
- Accreditation of representatives of the media for work at events organized by the UCCI is carried out by the Department of Corporate Communications of the UCCI for each event separately by way of composition of an according list.
- Lists of media representatives who have expressed interest in being present at an event, are comprised by the Department of Corporate Communications on the basis of telephone, written, or e-mail applications in time terms defined in the press announcement.
- In case that the number of media representatives who have expressed interest in accreditation for the event exceeds the actual number of places available at the location, the Department of Corporate Communications has the right to stop accreditation.
- Informing media representatives about public events organized by the UCCI is completed by way of preliminary circulation of the event press announcement by the Department of Corporate Communications of the UCCI.
- Organizational assistance to the completion of professional obligations and provision of informational materials as to the activity of the UCCI and events organized by it is completed by the Department of Corporate Communications.
- Coverage of the UCCI activity in the media is done by way of circulation of official press releases, press announcements to print and electronic media, radio and television by the Department of Corporate Communications.
- Answers to requests for information by representatives of Ukrainian and foreign media as to the activity of the UCCI are prepared by the Department of Corporate Communications on the basis of information provided by the head of the structural department of the UCCI, who is responsible for the direction of activity of the UCCI, which refers to the media request.
- All structural departments of the UCCI maximally assist the Department of Corporate Communications in preparation of materials for the media, which concerns their direct areas of responsibility.