On February 12, 1912 a constituent Assembly of the South-West branch of the Russian Export Chamber, the influence of which spread first on the Kyiv, Podil and Volyn provinces, was held in the commemorative meetings hall. The development of the Chamber movement in Ukraine in the XX century begins from this time.
Making a speech at the founding meeting, Professor M.V. Dovnar-Zapolskiy – the first head of the board of the Chamber branch, said:
International relations today are mostly based on trade relations. On the other hand, trade competition on the world market has reached such boundaries and has created such forms, by which an enterprise, however powerful it may be, cannot operate in isolation…This is where the need for organizations, which would unite interested people, comes from. Commerce and export chambers are such organizations.
... They need to hold their voice and power in developing a variety of current issues of state life and state events connected to trade and industry.
Significantly, after the period of social turmoil and civil war, one of the first pre-revolutionary organizations was the revived Export chamber as a non-governmental, independent organ.
In Ukraine the department of the Russian Eastern Chamber began its work in Kharkiv in 1924. In a year, the government initiated the foundation of the Ukrainian Eastern Trade Chamber.
Changes in the economy and politics of the former USSR affected the status of the chambers in one way or the other, which formally remained independent. At the same time, the chamber movement unfolded, encompassing be its system of branches, bureaus, companies «Zovnishservice» all regions of Ukraine.
The Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry was founded in 1972 on the base of the branch of the USSR CCI. It began to actively develop as a Chamber of independent Ukraine in 1992. On December 2, 1997 the Parliament of Ukraine passed the Law of Ukraine «On chambers of commerce and industry in Ukraine».
The UCCI, according to the Law of Ukraine «On chambers of commerce and industry in Ukraine», is a non-governmental, non-profit, self-governing organization which unites legal persons and citizens of Ukraine, registered as entrepreneurs, and also their associations, on a voluntaty basis.