East Invest is a European project which is implemented by a consortium under the leadership of the Association of Chambers of Commerce of Europe (Eurochambres), which the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (the National Project Coordinator in Ukraine since 2011) is a member of since 2002. This project is financed by the European Union, its main goal is the improvement of the investment and trade environment of Eastern Partnership countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belorus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine), which have potential of development of mutual cooperation and investment relations with the European Union, with the help of organizations and support of small and medium business.
Various events (academies, trainings, business visits, seminars) have been organized in the framework of the project, as for organizations of business support for improvement of structure and staff resources, and for SMEs, with the priority sector being agricultural produce (entry to the EU market).
For receiving consultations please contact Olga Suhenko, National Project Coordinator.
Tel. : +38 044 461 98 07
+38 067 230 90 38
e-mail: [email protected]