Moving towards overcoming and rebuilding its post-war economy, Ukraine is actively working to increase exports, which will be the basis for future economic growth. We must use opportunities to promote Ukrainian goods and services abroad, develop export competencies, explore foreign markets and participate in international events. These issues were discussed at the International Forum “Quality infrastructure of Ukraine - a platform for business interaction in the EU single market system” was held on May 23, 2024.
Event was organised at the initiative of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine and within the support of the TIPSTER Project of the Foundation for Support of Reforms in Ukraine and of the ReACT4UA international cooperation programme (“Application and implementation of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement in the field of trade”), funded by the German government and implemented by the German federal company Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.
The Forum was attended by representatives of the Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine, European and International organizations, technical assistance projects, the National Standardization Body, the National Accreditation Agency of Ukraine, market surveillance bodies, state-owned enterprises operating in the field of technical regulation, standardization, metrology, conformity assessment and accreditation, manufacturers and businesses interested in the production and export of Ukrainian industrial products – more than 200 participants in total.
“One of the main tasks of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine is to stimulate the development of business activity and create preconditions for greater financial independence of the state. To do this, we need to develop domestic production, attract investments in the real sector and increase exports of Ukrainian products, including in the industrial sector,” – mentioned Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine Vitaliy Kindrativ.
“Ukraine continues making steady progress towards European integration and approximation to European values, standards and rules. One of the components of this process is ensuring the proper and effective functioning of Ukraine’s quality infrastructure system, which is created to ensure the safety and high quality of products and services. Within this system, quality infrastructure professionals and institutions work together to protect human health and the environment. This ensures quality and safety, which is important in many areas of our lives - in production processes, at the workplaces and on the market. Quality infrastructure plays a vital role in business, innovation and trade - both nationally and internationally,” – underlined Head of Technical Regulation Department of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine Oleksandr Pankov.
To this end, we continue to move forward on the path to economic recovery. One of the tools to achieve this goal is the conclusion of the ACAA Agreement, which is a type of agreement on mutual recognition of conformity assessment results.
For Ukrainian and foreign producers, the removal of technical barriers to trade as a result of the ACAA Agreement will enable them to sell industrial products in both Ukraine and the EU on the basis of mutual recognition of the conformity assessment results of industrial products specified in Annex III to the Association Agreement.
«У результаті укладення АСАА українські виробники отримають нові бізнес-можливості в ЄС і за його межами, а споживачі – якісну та безпечну продукцію, вироблену за сучасними технологіями. Буде забезпечено створення новий стійких ланцюжків доданої вартості, зростання ВВП та нові робочі місця. Це також стане важливою складовою економічної євроінтеграції», – підсумував результати Міжнародного форуму заступник Міністра економіки України Віталій Кіндратів.
Заступник Міністра економіки України Віталій Кіндратів також підкреслив важливість співпраці з проектами технічної допомоги, фінансованими урядами Німеччини, Швеції та ЮНІДО, а також подякував європейським та міжнародним партнерам за підтримку на шляху інтеграції України до єдиного ринку ЄС.
“As a result of conclusion of the ACAA, Ukrainian producers will receive new business opportunities in the EU and beyond, and consumers will receive high-quality and safe products manufactured using modern technologies. New sustainable value chains, GDP growth and new jobs will be created. It will also become an important component of economic European integration,” – summarized the results of the International Forum Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine Vitaliy Kindrativ.
Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine Vitaliy Kindrativ also emphasized the importance of cooperation with technical assistance projects funded by the governments of Germany, Sweden and UNIDO, and thanked European and international partners for their support on Ukraine’s integration into the EU single market.
Tags: Бізнес-форум, ТППУ