End of December a bill aimed at comprehensively modernizing privatization legislation in Ukraine was passed in the Parliament (full name of the bill – “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine in the cases of Improvement of the State Policy of Management and Privatization of State and Municipal Property, as well as the Institutional Principles of activity of the State Property Fund of Ukraine”). Its purpose is to simplify and expedite privatization procedures, protect and encourage investment and restore investors’ trust in Ukraine and its state institutions.
ICBAC-members will discuss with Head of the State Property Fund of Ukraine Mr. Sennychenko the implications of such bill and of the privatization programme.
The UCCI is convinced that the adoption of the new Law "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine in the case of Improvement of the State Policy of Management and Privatization of State and Municipal Property, as well as the Institutional Principles of activity of the State Property Fund of Ukraine" will provide businesses with a better legal basis for participation in the privatization process. The only legal basis for all will not be controversial and will guarantee at the legislative level equal access to the objects of large and small privatization in an open tender.
For more information, please, contact: Yevgen Kurulenko +380 44 586-40-67; [email protected]