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Announcement of the competition for the selection of managing company of industrial park “Fastindustry”


Fastiv City Council made a decision to organize and conduct a competition for selection of managing company of Industrial park “Fastindustry” in Fastiv city.

Аccording to the minutes of the competition commission №2 dated 12.02.2018: 

The initiator of the competition – Fastiv City Council of Kyiv Region (08500, Kyiv Region, Fastiv city, Soborna Square,1) 

The concept of an industrial park “Fastindustry” is approved by the Fastiv City Council № 3-XX-VII dated 05.12.2016 «About amendments and additions to the annex of the decision of Fastiv City Council dated 08.04.16 № 19-X-VII. About a creation of an industrial park «Fastindustry” and approval of the concept of its development». This concept is located on the website of Fastiv city Council in the section «Industrial park»: www.fastiv-rada.gov.ua

Object of the completion: a land plot with a total area 15 hectares (cadastral number 3211200000:02:010:0037), is a part of zone, where the enterprises of the second class of environmental pollution and require sanitary protection zones of 500-300 meters(addition the Concept of industrial park “Fastindustry” in Fastiv city). The territory is free of building. The term of the land’s using within of the “Fastindustry” is made up 30 years in Fastiv city. The “Fastindustry” industrial park is included to the register №17 industrial parks of Ukraine.

Main terms of the competition: 

  1. It’s an implementation the conception of development the “Fastivindustry” industrial park in Fastiv town.
  2. For the effective functioning the production of industrial park’s participants is the building providing of complete complex erection.
  3. The obligatory registration of industrial park’s participants(entities) on the territory of Fastiv town.
  4. The using of lands within the industrial park must occur to the sanitary-epileptic and ecological requirements.
  5. In accordance with a current legislation there is a granting of land plot in a lease on the term of action agreement with a right for transmission in a sublease.
  6. The Provision of permanent functioning of industrial park ‘’Fast industry’’ in Fastiv. 

Additional information about the contest for the election of managing company of industrial park ‘’ Fast industry’’ can be received in the administration of economics and international cooperation of Fastiv city council executive commit tee to address 08500 Kiev region Fastiv city Soborna square 1 cab 319; to e-mail: economika [email protected] or to tel ; 04565 616 70. 

The registration fee is 1700.00 hrv (the registration fee is payed by cashless settlement on the current account of initiator of industrial park organization and it’s used for the organization and procedure preparation.

Registration Tee requisites:

Recipient: FastivUK/Fastiv/50110000

current account: 31514931700015

code: 37583261

Recipient Bank: Fastiv Department of the State Treasury of Ukraine of the Kiev region

Bank code (MFO) 821018

Payment Reference: registration fee 

Messages about competition participation ; proposals from participants: contest documentation can be received to address: 08500; Kiev region Fastiv city Soborna square 1 cab 31 .or to e-mail: economika [email protected]

Reception hours: Monday- Thursday from 8.00 till 17:00 : Friday from 8.00 till 16:00. Telephone number: 0456516670 

Competition conduction begins on the 12th of March 2018.

Proposals from participants are taken till 17.00  11th of April 2018.

Opening of envelopes with proposals will be held at 11.00 o’clock on the 12th of April 2018 to address: Kiev region. Fastiv city Soborna square 1 office 109.


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