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Ukrainian chamber of commerce and industry to create anti-crisis center for business cyber security


The anti-crisis center specialists will consult business suffered from cyber attacks and help to prevent possible cyber threats in the future.

“The business should be prepared for the fact that cyber attacks will continue, and during the discussion we assessed the problem on the basis of what we have heard, to develop an effective mechanism for protecting domestic entrepreneurs and preparing for a new wave of attacks. In addition to creating an anti-crisis cyber security center for business, a working group will be formed. An appeal to government bodies to establish the main reserve channels for the transfer of social information would be sent,” Chairman of the committee for e-communications at the Chamber Volodymyr Koliadenko said.

Tags: UCCI, кібератака, кібервиклик, Антикризовий Центр кібернетичного захисту бізнесу


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