The largest national event in the field of renewable energy will last four days, during which four conferences will be held, each dedicated to one type of renewable energy: solar, wind, hydropower, bioenergy and energy in industry and utilities. During these conferences market leaders in alternative energy from Ukraine and other countries, including Poland, Belarus, Austria, Sweden, Finland and the Netherlands, will present current and future projects, identify key trends and expectations for the years to come. Also within the event a separate zone devoted to start-up projects using the latest technologies and interesting ideas of Ukrainian inventors in the field of alternative energy will be working.
"This event is not a classic conference to which all of us are used - this is a completely new format, new approach, new ideas and new technology developments in our domestic alternative energy. I am convinced that work in this direction will facilitate the boost of innovative economy! Together with the organizers – the Ukrainian Communication Group - we aim to create a primary platform for communication and cooperation between key players and potential investors to speedily achieve energy independence of the country by moving to the use of inexhaustible clean energy and abandoning harmful fossil fuels"- Gennadiy Chyzhykov, the Ukrainian CCI President, said.
Alternative energy in Ukraine today is the key to energy security. Investments in renewable energy in the world last year amounted to 280 billion US dollars.
Ukraine becomes a part of the international community by joining the IRENA - the agency, which aims to ensure rapid transition to sustainable use of renewable energy sources on the global scale.
After the conferences the participants in the workshop zone will get acquainted with the whole market of services related to renewable energy. The best domestic and international manufacturing companies, distributors, firms engaged in geographic analysis of territories, consulting, engineering, legal and insurance companies will be represented there.
Tags: Бізнес, енергетика, альтернативна енергетика